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Three Design Faux Pas to Avoid when Creating a Luxury Swimming Pool

Three Design Faux Pas to Avoid when Creating a Luxury Swimming Pool

There are infinite patterns, sizes, features and end-goals to choose from when designing a luxury swimming pool, meaning that creating something truly opulent and unique is within reach. On the flip side, there are a handful of design faux pas that need to be taken into careful consideration if the end goal is a designer pool and not just a run-of-the-mill pool in the backyard.

Pool Location

Use space wisely.  Some choose to place an outdoor pool in the middle of the garden area, however, this can cause copious amounts of unused space. Bushes, shrubs and fences purchased for privacy may become more of an inconvenience to maintain than originally thought. Bringing the pool closer to the property will serve as the optimum view blocker, whilst the rest of the outdoor space can be used for social activities. 

Alternatively, for those who are seeking a more natural backdrop, the pool may appear somewhat clumsy next to the modern architecture. It’s incredibly important to put real thought into this decision and seek advice from an expert.

No Pool Purpose

For complete satisfaction with the end result, having a clear idea of the purpose of the pool can really benefit the design process. Is the pool going to be the centre of entertainment for socialisation? Or will it be a private retreat for relaxation and spa therapy? Or if the thought of losing space is an issue, would a hidden floor pool be the best fit? Rushing into this commitment can lead to future regret, so it is crucial to plan carefully and reflect on the ultimate motivation behind the pool being designed.

Cutting Corners

When it comes to luxury swimming pool design, cutting corners is not an option.  Investing in the lifespan of your pool’s mechanical integrity with quality materials and finishes ensures that the pool will stand the test of time, both aesthetically and structurally. 

Guncast’s skilled and dedicated team can create luxury and tranquil swimming pools to the absolute highest standard, with all the above elements taken into complete consideration. For inspiration on tailor-made pools with stunning features and finishes, visit our portfolio or for expert advice, you can contact us on 01798 343725.