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Using Steam Baths to Address Common Health Issues

Using Steam Baths to Address Common Health Issues

KLAFS steam baths are the perfect addition to any luxury property. Creating an indulgent spa experience for your home offers many health benefits, and a KLAFS steam bath can provide blissful relaxation that soothes both body and soul. Here are just a few of the many ways that regular steam use can support wellbeing.

Ease your aches and pains with a steam bath

If you suffer from joint pain, backache or muscle soreness, just five to fifteen minutes in a KLAFS steam bath could help ease your discomfort. Steam expands your blood vessels, helping to increase blood flow and the intense warmth prompts the muscles to relax so that limb and joint pain can be noticeably reduced. Steam baths can also provide effective pain relief for those that suffer from rheumatism or arthritis. Additionally, steam helps alleviate aches and can contribute to accelerated healing of your muscle tissue, after a workout for example.

Use a Steam Bath to Detox Your Skin

Regular use of a steam bath can be especially beneficial for the skin, helping to clear blemishes and flush out toxins. High humidity may provide a moisturising effect whilst steam can help to open the pores, offering deep cleansing and leaving skin glowing and feeling revived. With unlimited access to your own detoxifying KLAFS Steam Bath installed by Guncast, you can experience rejuvenated skin like never before.

For a superior skin purifying experience, you may find that alternating between the cool temperature of a plunge pool or a snow cave, and the warmth of a steam bath can promote healthy circulation to help further flush out toxins.

Relieve stress with a klafs steam bath

What better way to unwind after a busy day than to melt away stresses in your own luxury steam bath? As well as relaxing your muscles, some quiet time in a steam bath helps to relax your mind. It also aids soothing sleep, so a calming steam bath session just before you go to bed will set you up for a good night’s rest. 

Fragrant aromas can also be added to a KLAFS steam room that diffuse gently through the KLAFS steam bath. This aromatherapy can help support the therapeutic effects of a steam bath, promote deeper relaxation and boost health benefits.

Improve your blood circulation with a steam bath

Poor circulation can lead to a host of problems including high blood pressure, organ damage, and blood clots. When used in alternation with colder temperatures, using a KLAFS steam bath in your home spa can help to improve your blood circulation. Plus, steam opens the arteries that supply oxygen to your brain and other organs, so as well as supporting your general health, it also assists in increasing your energy levels.

Soothe respiratory problems using a klafs steam bath

Steam is popularly recommended for soothing respiratory conditions, such as allergies, asthma bronchitis and allergies. Opening airways and clearing congestion can help you achieve ultimate relaxation and can also act as an effective remedy for calming cold and flu symptoms. 

Aid weight loss with regular steam use

The moisture produced by your KLAFS steam bath is said to create a negative, energising charge between the delicate water droplets and the air. When negatively charged oxygen ions are absorbed, this can stimulate your metabolism. As well as increasing energy levels, this has even been reported to aid fat burning and weight loss.  

Uniquely designed to complement your property and lifestyle, a KLAFS steam bath provides you with an indulgent and blissful spa experience in the comfort of your own home.  

Guncast is proud to partner with the award-winning KLAFS to deliver exceptional and uncompromising luxury steam bath installations for bespoke wellness areas. For expert advice, you can contact the team on 01798 343725 or via email at