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Identifying & Preventing Swimming Pool Filtration Problems

Identifying & Preventing Swimming Pool Filtration Problems

One of the benefits of having a luxury swimming pool by Guncast is the clean and clear water quality, achieved with a tailored filtration and water treatment system, utilising the very latest Ozone and UV technology.  That said, if there is a problem with the system there is very little that can be done to maintain performance until the cause is addressed.  Filter malfunctions are as likely as chemical issues, so if the water isn’t as clear as it once was, the pool filter may need servicing.

Dirt or Filter Media is Circling Back into the Pool

If there is debris, dirt and bits of sand in the water, the filter package needs an assessment. The first thing to consider might be that the filter/pump combination is not suitable for the size of the pool.  A filter that is too small will have trouble adequately cleaning the swimming pool water, and the pump needs to be strong enough to manage the water volume.

The combination of filter and pump has to achieve the required turnover and filtration rate specific to the pool. If filtration package is ruled out as the cause, it may be that the plant is faulty,  broken or in need of maintenance. An experienced engineer will be able to identify the problem and the filter can be cautiously taken apart to check that the lateral at the bottom of the standpipe, and the backwash valve are intact. If either of these parts are broken all the filter media will need removing and the parts replacing, followed by new media. In addition, the air relief tube will also need checking.

The Pool is Losing Water

One cause of the pool losing water (apart from evaporation on a hot day) is a leaky filter. If the pool is not winterised correctly the cold winter months can cause components to freeze and crack, resulting in a leak. Should the filter be leaking, the leak will need to be located. The first place to checked is the O-ring or cap which seals the top part of the filter to the bottom. If either of these parts are broken a professional will be required to fit a new one. Any pipes will need checking as these are the most vulnerable to freezing and cracking. It is important to have a swimming pool filter leak addressed as quickly as possible, as it can cause water damage and siphon off your water supply.

The Pool Looks Cloudy

While there are plenty of chemicals that can help a cloudy or murky pool look clearer, this is usually just addressing the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. To rule out any chemical issues, the water chemistry of the pool can be assessed with a water testing kit.

If water chemistry is balanced and all in order, there may be a filter media problem. Sand and Diatomaceous Earth filters should be backwashed using the specific backwash valve handle, and if that doesn’t work, changing the filter media could be required.

Prevention is Better than Cure

Many of these issues can be prevented with proper filter maintenance.  Always ensure that the best quality filter media is being used.  If sand is being used, choose 20-grade silica sand, or even better, Zeolite, which is 100% natural and traps more fine dirt than sand does. It’s also worth considering a little extra help…

Guncast Pool Service has a specialist team of uniformed service engineers, offering bookable appointments with reliable service and quality assurance. Routine maintenance by the same engineer week by week is essential to the longevity and operational performance of any pool. In the unlikely event of something going wrong Guncast’s rapid response breakdown service will help ensure minimum downtime.

HomeNews Identifying & Preventing Swimming Pool Filtration Problems