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Environmentally Conscious Relaxation with – KLAFS GREEN STEAM Baths from Guncast

Environmentally Conscious Relaxation with KLAFS GREEN STEAM Baths from Guncast

KLAFS snow paradise

Steam baths provide ultimate relaxation for your guests as part of the complete wellness journey in your hotel, gym, spa, or club. The KLAFS GREEN STEAM package, helps to reduce your environmental impact, while your guests unwind in your green KLAFS steam bath from Guncast.

Introducing the GREEN KLAFS Steam Bath… 

Every KLAFS steam bath from Guncast is now available with the KLAFS GREEN STEAM package. The KLAFS GREEN STEAM package considerably reduces the amount of electricity needed to power the steam bath, which helps to reduce the carbon footprint of your business. You can relax knowing with a clear conscience while your guests relax and enjoy all the benefits provided by your environmentally friendly steam bath.

How does the green KLAFS Steam Bath work?

The KLAFS GREEN STEAM PACKAGE is comprised of STEAMIX and OPTISTREAM. STEAMIX starts its work as soon as steam is injected. Steam is mixed with fresh air and essences, creating a perfect steam room climate. Mixing the steam with fresh air just before it is injected into the room ensures it’s always hot – but never scalding. With its ingenious air flow system, OPTISTEAM ensures the steam in the room is constant and wonderfully dense.

The GREEN STEAM system delivers optimum energy use and maximum bathing comfort with excellent fog formation through thermal insulation of the steam pipe, the steam bath, and the steam cylinder.

The KLAFS GREEN STEAM package enables environmentally conscious relaxation in a luxurious KLAFS steam bath from Guncast.

What are the health and beauty benefits of a steam bath?

The steam bath provides relief for rheumatic complaints and respiratory problems. It also enhances beautiful, soft skin, by opening pores and cleansing the skin. As the fragrant aromas diffuse gently throughout the room with the steam, it creates a relaxing atmosphere, which helps lighten the mood.

Talk to Guncast and KLAFS UK today

Are you interested in reducing your business’s environmental impact while still providing the luxury bathing experience your guests expect and deserve? Ask a Guncast and KLAFS specialist how to provide the steam bath offering in your luxury commercial property greener, with the KLAFS GREEN STEAM package from Guncast.