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Home > Latest Articles > Looking for hay fever relief? Regular sauna sessions could help

Looking for hay fever relief? Regular sauna sessions could help

Looking for hay fever relief? Regular sauna sessions could help

People tend to have one of two very different responses to the warmer weather. There are those who want to spend as much time as possible outdoors. And there are those that suffer with hay fever! If you’re one of the unlucky ones that is checking the pollen count daily, did you know that regular sauna use is a completely natural way to relieve the discomfort of hay fever symptoms?

Hay fever relief
Sauna bathing improves the blood supply to the mucous membranes. “That is why people who regularly go to the sauna can ward off pollen much better,” explains Professor Dr. med. Karl-Ludwig Resch, head of the German Institute for Health Research in Bad Elster.

Regular sauna bathing is also very good exercise for the immune system. Applying targeted heat and cold to the body, repeatedly, causes the blood vessels in the skin and the mucous membranes to contract and expand quickly. The soothing warmth of the sauna also alleviates the symptoms of allergic asthma, because it relieves the cramped muscles, deep in the bronchial tubes.

The benefits of regular sauna use can be felt all year round. In addition to relieving hay fever symptoms in the spring and summer, the sauna can help during the colder autumn and winter months as well. In fact, year-round sauna use is key.

“On colder winter days, when you feel chilly and you are really looking forward to the pleasant warmth, you are more likely to use the sauna. In order to achieve the medically proven, strengthening influence on the immune system, however, regularity is the be-all and end-all – and this is of course very easy if you have your own sauna at home”, Prof. Dr. Resch knows from his many years of medical experience.

Investing in your own home sauna, and using it regularly, can help you feel more prepared for the high pollen season, as well as the cold months.

The KLAFS Sauna S1 from Guncast is a particularly good choice for a home sauna, not only due to the positive effects of regular sauna sessions, but because the bespoke thermal cabin can be designed to suit your home. In addition, it is retractable at the push of a button. When retracted, the KLAFS Sauna S1 is no deeper than the average closet, at 60 cm. When extended, the S1 Sauna measures 1.60m in depth, offering plenty of room to relax.

Much like your car may have a pollen filter, your KLAFS S1 sauna has one too. It filters out the pollen from the outside air, enabling hay fever sufferers to take deep breaths and relax. You may also want to try dry salt inhalation, which can help those afflicted with hay fever. The Microsalt SaltProX system is a battery-operated device, which can be retrofitted to your sauna for this purpose.

If you are thinking of a KLAFS Sauna for your home, talk to the specialist design team about bespoke options to suit your property and your lifestyle. Contact us to find out more.